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Press Release: Jared Sullivan Announces Candidacy for Grafton House District 2

June 2nd, 2022

Bethlehem, NH                                                                              

Jared Sullivan Announces Candidacy for Grafton House District 2

Bethlehem resident Jared Sullivan announces his candidacy on the Democratic ticket for Grafton District 2, which includes the towns of Bethlehem and Franconia.

“After careful thought and considerable encouragement from local residents, I have decided to run for the Grafton-District 2 house seat” Sullivan said “I love living in the north country, it is truly exciting to be a part of such a dynamic, vibrant community.” One of Sullivan’s top priorities will be to find solutions to the severe housing and worker shortage currently impacting the North Country. “It is plain to see one of the biggest issues in this region, and the state more broadly, is the shortage of housing and workers. With a vacancy rate of near zero, it is extremely challenging for local businesses to attract new employees which would allow them to continue growing.”

While this is his first foray into politics, Sullivan, 40, has had a 15-year career working in the real estate economics industry. “I believe my background as an economist, one who has, for 15 years, focused specifically on the real estate industry, will bring fresh perspectives to Concord as the state struggles through the current housing crisis”. His work in the private sector included research on the impact of federal, state, and local regulations on the real estate sector. Sullivan has a unique understanding how regulations can impact, both positively and negatively, local real estate markets.

The housing and workforce issues are also tied to education. NH ranks last in the nation for funding of education, and that has impacts statewide. Underfunding of our state college and university system has led to NH having the second highest average instate tuition in the country. Meanwhile cities and town statewide struggle with the burden of educating our youth because our state under funds local contributions. “Funding of education at the state level is tied to the shortage of workers and housing we see statewide; it is time for leaders in Concord to get serious about addressing this important piece of the puzzle.”

Sullivan grew up in Beverly, MA where his family owned a wholesale food distribution business. Sullivan along with his cousin and siblings were called in to work for the family business from an early age. “I am no stranger to hard work. I remember in middle school when my dad would pick me up in his delivery truck so I could help him do deliveries after school” After graduating high school, he earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Applied economics from Montana State University in Bozeman. An avid outdoorsman, who grew up skiing the White Mountains, Sullivan purchased his current residence in 2016, and has been integrating himself in the community and getting to know his neighbors. I think this is the correct time for me to dip my toes in the local political scene as I see so many opportunities here.

Sullivan plans on spending the summer and fall meeting as many residents of Bethlehem and Franconia as possible, to continue to learn more about this amazing place and the various ideas and opinions its residents hold to help make it an even more special place to live and work.

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